Davie FL

Calvin, Giordano & Associates is a multidisciplinary con- sulting company that provides a broad range of services, including civil engineering and roadway design, traffic en- gineering and transportation planning, urban and regional planning, construction engineering and inspection, envi- ronmental and sustainability services, landscape architec- ture, building and plan review services, code enforcement, GIS, survey and mapping, and construction services. Established in 1937, we are experts in municipal Services; and serve as professional consultants to municipalities throughout Florida, a number of which have been repeat clients for over 30 years. WWW.CGASOLUTIONS.COM DAVIE, FLORIDA Nova SoutheasternUniversity,FloridaAtlanticUniver- sity,Broward College,McFatter Technical College,ITT Technical Institute,Unilatina International College,and Trinity International University that,together,make up the South Florida Educational Center. About a year ago,BusinessViewMagazine spoke with Giovanni Moss,Davie’s Director of Community Development and PhillipHolste,theTownAdminis- trator.Moss is responsible for overseeing theTown’s CommunityRedevelopmentAgencyor CRA.CRAs are local economicdevelopment agencies whose function is to preserve and protect a community’s taxbase,alle- viate conditions of slumand blight,facilitate affordable housing,and stimulate public sector participationwith- in a defined redevelopment area.Davie’s CRAcovers approximately1,104 acres on the east side of town. Holste is responsible for buildings,engineering,plan- ning andzoning,publicworks,and economicdevel- AT A GLANCE DAVIE, FLORIDA WHAT: A town of 96,000 WHERE: In Broward County, north of Miami WEBSITE: www.davie-fl.gov