Westinghouse Lighting Corporation - page 7

Business View Magazine
pany that worked a licensing deal with CBS Corp. to be
able to use Westinghouse in our company name. And
to this day, we are one of a handful that can. We’re still
owned by the Angelo family, but we trade as Westing-
house Lighting. And that propelled us into this third
phase of our growth for the last 15 years or so. And
enough time has gone by that that’s how we’re known,
Joe Catrambone is the company’s Chief Operating Of-
ficer. He details Westinghouse Lighting’s global reach:
“We currently have hundreds of employees located all
over the world,” he begins. “In Asia, we have staff in
southern China focused on factory sourcing and qual-
ity control. This is in addition to staff located in Hong
Kong with a primary focus on PO (Purchase Order) ex-
pediting, working with our vendors, and making sure
everything ships on time. There is also a dedicated
staff to cover our administration, HR (Human Resourc-
es), and finance functions for our Asia operations. We
have two distribution centers in the U.S. – one on the
west coast in Chino, California, the other one here as
part of our corporate headquarters in Philadelphia, PA.
In addition to the U.S. operations, there are operations
in Panama for Latin America; Germany for Europe,
and Montreal for Canada. We also have exclusive,
distributor-type relationships abroad in Southeast Asia
and the Middle East, with conversations for expansion
in Australia and Russia. That’s, pretty much, today’s
Angelo believes that being in the lighting business for
70 years, and now having the Westinghouse name,
helps the company play to its strengths. “We’re the
only company that has a branded product line for light-
ing fixtures, light bulbs, ceiling fans, and all of the as-
sociated accessories to go with them,” he declares.
“We’re not a huge company, but we know our busi-
ness. We’re relatively lean from a management struc-
ture and much more nimble than the giants we com-
pete against. And we have a brand that our smaller
competitors don’t have. That’s what we’ve been em
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