and comprehension, allowing teachers to pinpoint exactly where each child is struggling. Horizon’s efforts are informed by research from leading institutions like the University of Florida’s Literacy Institute, which the division has brought into the classroom. “We’ve been integrating that research into our teaching practices, making sure our educators are equipped with the latest methods to support literacy growth,” Dr. Tymensen adds. “It’s motivating for our staff to see where the students start and how much progress they can make.” INFRASTRUCTURE AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS Horizon School Division has made substantial capital investments to create spaces that support education and enhance its students’ overall well-being and success.“The learning space has a significant impact on how well kids do,” Dr. Tymensen asserts. Thanks to government funding and local fundraising efforts, several schools have undergone extensive modernization over the past few years. “We’ve been fortunate to have three or four schools modernized in our jurisdiction,” he notes. One example is Barnwell School, where the community raised over $1.5 million to expand and enhance the facility. “The gym was more than doubled in size, and a weight room was added. We also partnered with the community to create a public library,” Dr. Tymensen says. 6 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 11