“During the pandemic, we saw significant gaps in literacy, with kids learning from home, but we also saw the breakdown of social structures. So now, we’re working hard to help students catch up.” To address these challenges, Horizon has directed substantial funding and personnel toward the early grades, focusing on literacy fluency and phonics. “We’ve provided a lot of extra support,” Dr.Tymensen says. “The province has also helped by funding additional resources, which allows us to offer targeted interventions in those key areas.” Assessment plays a crucial role in Horizon’s strategy. In Alberta, recent shifts have increased the frequency and depth of student assessments, and Horizon has embraced these changes.“There’s much more assessment happening now than before,” Dr. Tymensen notes.The division uses tools like Fountas and Pinnell to regularly assess students’ fluency 5 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 11 HORIZON SCHOOL DIVISION