big sell,” Roberts-Young explains. To foster local entrepreneurship, Flin Flon has partnered with Travel Manitoba and Tourism Saskatchewan to launch a tourism accelerator program. TACKLING INFRASTRUCTURE CHALLENGES Infrastructure is often the backbone of any community’s growth, but for a remote town like Flin Flon, maintaining and expanding that backbone comes with unique challenges. “Our winters can create hurdles that other regions may not face,” Roberts-Young explains. The extreme cold and fluctuating temperatures cause extra wear and tear on roads and transportation systems.“Our road infrastructure requires more attention just because of that constant cycle of freezing and thawing.” This makes roadwork not just a necessity but an ongoing challenge. But it’s not just the cold weather causing problems. Flin Flon’s connectivity took a major hit this year when a wildfire burned through a crucial internet and cell service line south of town.“We were without cell service and internet for about three or four days,” Roberts-Young recalls. In today’s world, especially in an emergency situation, losing communication for that long is a significant disruption. Manitoba Hydro and other key players were quick to rebuild that infrastructure, but the incident highlights the importance of maintaining essential services. Flin Flon, however, continues to make strides in infrastructure and services. “We have community services that are fully operational, like our rec center and hockey arena and the new aqua center that is currently under construction. These will serve our community, neighbouring areas, and newcomers,” says Roberts-Young. The Flin Flon hospital is a crucial asset, especially in northern regions where healthcare access can be limited. “Having access to healthcare is a major benefit,” she emphasizes. CROSS-BORDER COLLABORATION Flin Flon’s unique location on the Manitoba8 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 11