flourished. “600 to 700 million has been invested,” Shenigo says. Today, Neil Armstrong Test Facilities is regarded as one of the premier test sites in the world for large-scale space equipment. The infrastructure surrounding NASA Neil Armstrong Test Facilities adds to its appeal for both government and private entities.The site is supplied by two major power sources from Cleveland and Toledo, and its water infrastructure is particularly robust. “At one time, there was a nuclear facility there,” Shenigo says, explaining that two large water lines run directly from Lake Erie to the facility, one from Huron and one from Sandusky. These lines, which can produce 30 million gallons of raw water, are now owned by Erie County—obtained from the federal government at no cost. MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING GROWTH As the demand for walkable communities and mixed-use developments rises, county leaders are 17 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 11 ERIE COUNTY, OH