Cibolo TX

HEB, built a 55,000-square-foot e-commerce fulfillment center in 2023, creating 200 new jobs to support the company’s curbside and home delivery services. MODERNIZING INFRASTRUCTURE WITH AI With rapid population growth comes an urgent need for infrastructure improvements. Kelsee Jordan Lee, Planning and Economic Development Director notes, “Just a few years ago, our population was only 30,000, and now we’re approaching 40,000.” To support this growth, Cibolo has undertaken an ambitious infrastructure development plan. In the last fiscal year alone, the city completed the reconstruction of three major roadways and is planning nine additional road rehabilitation projects for the upcoming fiscal year, totaling around $12 million. Innovative solutions, such as incorporating AI technology for road assessments and using microsurfacing techniques for road preservation, are part of Cibolo’s strategy to stay ahead of infrastructure demands. These advancements are not only about meeting current needs but also about preparing for the future. Drainage improvements, utility upgrades, and the Town Creek Trail project—an initiative to connect central Cibolo with existing parks and trails—are all in progress, enhancing residents’ mobility and quality of life. “We’re committed to ensuring that as we grow, we are also improving the quality of life for our residents,” Lee emphasizes. One example of this commitment is the ongoing development of the Town Creek Trail, which will create a seamless connection between different parts of the city, promoting outdoor activity and community cohesion. RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION BOOM Housing has become a hot topic in Cibolo as developers rush to meet the needs of the growing population. The city is seeing a boom in residential construction, with several new developments coming online. Recently opened projects include the US Living apartments, which offer 288 units, and The Grand apartments, which provide an additional 265 units. Furthermore, the Sydney Cove luxury duplexes have added 23 lots to the market. 4 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 11