Candler County School District

are constantly engaging in high-level reading and communication activities. The SWIRL Bus, which travels to various parts of the community during the summer, brings story time to children, while also distributing books and providing snacks and activities. At the Pre-K level, the district has also introduced the Heggerty reading program, which has a strong focus on phonics.“Historically, Pre-K has been more an action with a machine or any other type of equipment. Every day, we’re asking teachers to have students read at a high level, write at a high level, respond to texts that they’re reading, sharing, defending, debating and so forth.” The district’s literacy efforts start from an early age, with the implementation of the SWIRL program, which stands for Speaking, Writing, Illustrating, Reading, and Listening.This undertaking spans from pre-K through high school, ensuring that students 4 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 11