Watsonville California

5 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 11 WATSONVI LLE , CAL I FORNIA So many of these types of meetings are working with the council, connecting with the community,” he elaborates. Whether it’s addressing concerns about a delayed permit or working with developers on their projects, Mendez is the go-to person. “I respond a lot to criticism or complaints. I’m pretty much just a spokesperson. They direct to me every call that the council gets,” he says. Mendez highlights Watsonville’s remarkable resilience, recalling the devastating 1989 earthquake that severely impacted the city’s downtown. Despite such challenges, the community’s spirit remains unbroken. He draws attention to the recent floods, emphasizing how the city swiftly rebounded, especially in infrastructure. While many homes near the Pajaro River faced flooding, the community has been proactive in its recovery, with no lives lost. As they navigate the recovery phase, there’s a concerted effort to support local businesses, especially those already strained by the pandemic, as they faced back-