Watsonville California

10 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 11 ethic and workforce here willing and ready to step up, learn, and adjust if needed.” This sentiment captures the spirit of Watsonville—a city proud of its roots and eager to forge ahead. He continues, “Not only do you get the welcoming community environment and feel, the culture, arts, and vibrancy, but you get a community hungry to take its next steps.” This hunger for progress is evident in the city’s fiscal health, thriving businesses like S. Martinelli & Co., and its budding relationship with innovative companies like Joby Aviation. But it’s not just about economic growth. Mendez points out the city’s willingness to introspect and adapt. “We can look ourselves in the mirror and see what we need to change, improve, and adjust,” he says. This self-awareness is crucial as Watsonville navigates discussions about future growth, expansion, and evolving identity. Watsonville is a city that cherishes its past, celebrates its present, and eagerly anticipates its future. Whether through infrastructure projects, fostering innovation, or preserving its natural beauty, the city strives to remain a vibrant and welcoming place for all. PREFERRED VENDOR/ PARTNER n Cabrillo College www.cabrillo.edu Cabrillo College is a leading California community college serving Santa Cruz County with locations in Aptos and Watsonville. Ranked #1 in transfers to UC Santa Cruz, Cabrillo offers over100 academic and career education programs serving educational goals including career training, Associate degrees for transfer to universities, and lifelong learning. n PG&E pge.com n Second Harvest Food Bank www.thefoodbank.org