Energy Storage Canada

5 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 11 ENERGY STORAGE CANADA the grid when it’s needed,” Rangooni concludes. It’s impressive that Energy Storage Canada can provide such efficient services, but what’s even more impressive is that the entire operation is led by a small team of just three people! This includes Leone King, the Communications and Member Relations Manager, who manages the company’s general and advocacy operations and its community of over eighty members. She also organizes the company’s annual conference as well. Then there is Robert Tremblay, the company Policy Manager, who handles much of the workings of the energy markets of Canada’s different provinces with a goal of keeping the company informed about the unique distinctions between each region’s unique energy system. With such a compact leadership team, this also means that the company collaborates with key partners to ensure that everything runs smoothly. “We do rely on and employ some great external consultants like Power Advisory and Sussex Strategy Group to really help us create our policy submissions and drive our advocacy,” Rangooni states, emphasizing the necessity of such advisors supporting the company. These consultants work closely with the Energy Storage team and leadership to focus on different jurisdictions like Ontario, Alberta, and The Maritimes, federally speaking. Specifically, Power Advisory plays a key role in supporting the company with key analysis and information to facilitate the majority of its public policy submissions. Whereas Sussex Strategy Group provides incredible support with government relations, PR training, and political navigation. At the same time, both external consultancies also help with guidance for the more focused energy solutions that the company researches, like long-duration storage tech and methodology. An executive roundtable featured as part of ESC’s 2023 Senior Partner & CEO, Resilient LLP; Indrany J. Butany, Pr Verschuren, Chair & CEO, NRStor Inc; Michelle Chislett, E Julia Souder, CEO/Chair of Global Renewables Alliance, L Presentation of 2023 Friend of Energy Storage Award to Hon. Todd Smith, Minister of Energy, Ontario, by ESC Board Chair, Brad Kyte.