Chesterfield County Public Schools

CHESTERFI ELD COUNT Y PUBL IC SCHOOL SYSTEM promoting different opportunities for students as they become more creative within that program, as well as having them look at different career opportunities that they see adults around them involved with,” Dr. Daugherty says. Empowering Students with Career and Technical Education Dr. Daugherty stresses the importance of students being able to consider college or career options from an early age and being aware of their options. “The career field is very exciting right now with the opportunities that are out there,” he says. “When you think about the CTE programming that we do in our schools, with technology, with computers, cybersecurity, programming, the interest is just growing rapidly for students. As businesses around the community are seeing our students well prepared, they are even getting offered jobs before they graduate from our programs.” He expands on the district’s career and technical education options, noting that Chesterfield Dr. Daugherty