
7 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 11 IRU SKDVH ˉYH ZLOO EH WKH FRQVWUXFWLRQ RI D twelve-unit T Hangar complex and of course, the funding for that will be all borne by Jasper County. Then, phase six will be a 1200-foot runway extension,” Lucas outlines. Ȣ:H UHTXHVWHG WKLV WZR ZHHNV DIWHU ZH RSHQHG the new runway, but the FAA wants us to prove WKDW ZH KDYH WKH DPRXQW RI WXUELQH WUDIˉF WKDW would justify the extension. We do document as much as we can the arrivals and departures RI WKH WXUERSURSV DQG WKH MHW WUDIˉF FRXUVH WKH WXUERSURSV DUH VDWLVˉHG LQ WKHLU HQWLUHW\ E\ RXU current 4200-foot runway as well as all the OLJKW MHW ˊHHWV ȝ EXW DV VRRQ DV \RX DUH JHWWLQJ midsize jets they have to come in light and leave light. A 1200-foot extension would give XV PRUH ˊH[LELOLW\ IRU EULQJLQJ LQ ODUJHU DLUFUDIW and safety in different weather conditions.” Lucas elaborates. /XFDV LV DOVR TXLFN WR KLJKOLJKW DQRWKHU YDOXHG SDUWQHUVKLS WKDW KH LGHQWLˉHV DV EHLQJ NH\ WR Aviation, Civic & Hospitality Architecture Providing unique solutions for new construction and renovations / additions. Creativity & integrity are our guiding principles. We would consider it a pleasure ƇǾƫ٪ǕȉǾȉȯ٪Ʌȉ٪Ƈƫƫ٪ɬȉɍ٪Ʌȉ٪ȉɍȯ٪dzǛȷɅ٪ȉnj٪ȷƇɅǛȷ˚Ʋƫ٪ƤdzǛƲǾɅȷؘ 893 Grays Highway, Ridgeland, SC 29936 1 Haywood St., Suite 421, Asheville, NC 28801 info@woodsdendy.com | 828-337-7946