
BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 11 the new runway and a parallel taxiway. The new UXQZD\ LV QRZ IHHW ORQJ ZLWK D ZLGWK RI feet with a parallel taxiway. This all happened when the airport became part of the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems, which opened us up to new funding, allowing the $23.3 million project to be completed.” Lucas adds. This was the beginning of a multiphase project that is ongoing. Phase one was the purchase RI DFUHV DQG QDYLJDWLRQ HDVHPHQWV Phase two was the clearing, grading, leveling, DQG ˉOOLQJ UHTXLUHG WR PDNH URRP IRU WKH new runway and facilities. Phase three was the installation of the airport lighting system and PAPI and runway lights along with some drainage correction and minor paving improvements. Phase four was the opening of runway 1836 and the parallel taxiway along with the construction of a 32-stall overnight SDUNLQJ ORW DV ZHOO DV D QHZ VTXDUH IRRW ramp. “Phase Five, which is currently underway, will be the construction of the new terminal/ FBO building,” Lucas explains, “We began with WKH RSHQLQJ RI D WHPSRUDU\ VTXDUH IRRW terminal/FBO building this past June. This space includes airport operations as well as the passenger waiting area, pilots lounge, shower facility, computer facilities, and restrooms.” “Back in October of 2020, the county created Sky Blue Aviation to serve as their FBO at the airport, and ever since then, we have been preparing to sell fuel here at Ridgeland-Claude Dean. Well, as of last week we began to sell Avgas as well as Jet Fuel. We have a 1200-gallon Avgas truck, and ZH KDYH D JDOORQ -HW )XHO WUXFN :H have now funded a new AWAS weather system and we hope to have it operational in late )HEUXDU\ RI DOWKRXJK LW LV YHU\ GLIˉFXOW WR predict with supply chain and labor shortages,” Lucas describes. “Then we will see the installation of an instrument approach so right after the AWAS system is up and running then the FAA will