
10 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 11 R IDGELAND CLAUDE DEAN A I RPORT in being instrumental to a lot of what is moving forward here. There have been some impediments and hurdles to overcome but let me just say that this whole professional approach to the airport and expansion of the airport has also been driven by the fact that as of 2017 we have a World Class course only nine minutes away, Congaree Golf Club, and that now JHQHUDWHV DERXW RI RXU WXUELQH WUDIˉF Lucas concludes, “Now that we are selling fuel, I expect that our operations will increase substantially. I would also like to point out that the whole reason why the county and the FAA and the state of South Carolina went to the extent of investing, so far, $23 million with another $6 million to go - the only reason why they have done that is economic development. Our growth brings economic development and expands the capabilities of the Lowcountry for WKH ˊ\LQJ SXEOLFȣ