Greater Portland Inc

5 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 3, ISSUE 9 not unlike the strategy people employ when buying a house. She recounts, “People use Zillow and they look at Redfin, and they can identify the house that they’re interested in, instead of going through a broker. I think it’s similar to some sophisticated companies that are on the verge of expansion. I don’t have to go through their consultant or their broker, sometimes they come directly to us, and we go directly to them.” Partnering with Delta and Alaska Airlines, GPI also travels the globe to connect to potential opportunities, with an upcoming trip to South Korea and Japan planned, to highlight the competitiveness of the Greater Portland region. “We are in their face, and we are talking to them,” says Claiborne, relaying that the organization also partnered with Travel Portland, and Travel Oregon to bring in apparel and outdoor executives from around the world Photo Credit: Courtesy Greater Portland Inc Monique Claiborne. President & CEO; Photo credit: Altheia McCallum Photo Credit: Courtesy Greater Portland Inc