Township of South Frontenac, Ontario
inside.” They’ve put in $1.4 million in upgrades, resulting in a much safer and more energy efficient community facility. As Vandewal explains, “I don’t want to say we’re lucky, you don’t want to say you’re lucky in a pandemic, however the arena ice plant was near failure at the start of the pandemic, so it was an ideal opportunity to shut it down for a year to make the necessary upgrades.” The Township is also looking into establishing their own seniors and affordable housing development, which will be funded through some combination of financing and the Township’s own infrastructure reserves. The project is still in its early development stages, but promises to provide much needed housing that will allow local seniors to age in place. In the next three to five years Carbone is really hoping to finalize the communal services model and to solidify a new official plan to accommodate their projected growth, while Fragnito wants to improve and focus on the asset management plan. As for the Mayor, he says, “We’re trying to improve every day, our council is focused on trying to make sure that, as a municipality, we’re modernizing and trying to do things... better. We’re looking to the future, building capacity, and trying to make sure that current and future residents are satisfied and supported in what they are trying to accomplish. As you can tell, there is a lot going on all the time. We’re working on a lot of things, we’re trying to get ahead of the growth curve, and it’s keeping everyone very busy.” COMMERCIAL FLEET & UPFITTING EXPERTS SOUTHEASTERNONTARIO’S ONLY FALL 2021: UPTO 2,500 IN FREE UPFITTING PLOW, SALT SPREADER, DUMP BED, SERVICE & UTILITIES BODY...MORE! HELPING SOUTH FRONTENAC AND EASTERN ONTARIO PROSPER. $ 613 329 0523 DAN DUNDON COMMERCIAL FLEET MANAGER OVER 45 YEARS OF COMMERCIAL EXPERTISE TOWNSHI P OF SOUTH FRONTENAC , ONTAR IO
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