Township of South Frontenac, Ontario
Head Office: 109 Washburn Road Athens, ON K0E1B0 Phone: 613-924-2634 Kemptville Division 4054 County Road 43 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Phone: 613-258-3612 Sweet’s Sand and Gravel 3299 County Road 32 Seeley’s Bay, ON K0H 2N0 Phone: 613-387-3838 Tackaberry Sand & Stone Ltd. 16129 Highway 7, East of Perth Perth, ON K7H 3M6 Phone: 613-267-1280 W W W . T A C K A B E R R Y C O N S T R U C T I O N . C O M SUPPLY OF AGGREGATES • EARTH EXCAVATION • ROCK EXCAVATION ROAD CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE • PAVING is not immune to the housing issues that plague the rest of the country. There is a housing shortage and the prices are rising, but they’ve created 200 new construction-ready lots over the past few years, and that does not include about eight parcels that will accommodate subdivisions to help ease the demand. Carbone emphasizes, “The demand and the development pressure is definitely here.” One of the major challenges for the township is water and wastewater servicing. The only village that runs on municipal water is Sydenham, while the rest of South Frontenac properties rely on private services. Carbone’s plan to deal with that challenge is to create communal servicing plans in partnership with Frontenac County and the other Frontenac Townships, to permit higher density development. He notes, “Due to the limited servicing, the subdivisions in South Frontenac don’t currently resemble those you’d typically see in the GTA; they’re larger rural
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