Rochester Athletic Club
the AIRPHX unit. In 2018 he had five installed throughout the club, after noticing the H3O air purifiers at the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) Convention. “One unit worked throughout our whole building,” says Remick, “it even had a positive impact on bacteria reduction on the outside garbage cans. The units create a third oxygen atom to the water in the air, forming hydrogen peroxide.” He did struggle finding electrostatic sprayers because they went directly to hospitals or to the highest bidder. Instead, Remick resorted to garden sprayers. One of the most useful products, was SAO®, Stabilized Aqueous Ozone manufactured by Tersano Inc. He explains, “The unit hooks on the wall and plugs into the cold-water line. It converts water just as the AIRPHX does air. It’s still water but is an active sanitizer for 24-hours. Its kill time for COVID is less than a minute; the stuff we were using was seven. So, the spray had to be left on the equipment for seven minutes before being wiped down; not always realistic. With SAO® we could manufacture it in the building and not worry about people being allergic because it’s essentially water. It was a great find for us.” All these new procedures and products have changed the club’s operations for the better. Frueh describes how a reservation process had to be implemented allowing only so many members to the fitness floor or tennis courts at one time. This was created and booked through the club’s app, which was new, as well. The team also filmed a professional video to post on the website. The video followed an employee moving through the club, showing members how it looked and what to expect. Meanwhile, the state rules regarding capacity kept changing. Remick notes, “I wanted to minimize the number of reservations needed to maximize the member experience. I came across SafeCount Live Occupancy Monitoring Solution. It’s a bi- directional sensor we put over our entrance and
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