Mississippi Mills, Ontario

MI SS I SS I PP I MI LLS , ONTAR IO With four decades of experience and expertise in the custom manufacturing of vocational vehicles, Gincor Werx is an industry leader known for its quality workmanship and technical innovation. Our product offering includes dump bodies, snow and ice equipment, flat decks, and van bodies. Our trailer offering includes heavy haul, equipment, tag, step deck, and live bottom trailers. The acquisition of Durabody Industries in 2015 marked the beginning of rapid growth for the corporation with the ultimate goal of strengthening its overall product portfolio. The acquisition of JC Trailers in 2016 followed by the opening of Gincor Trailer Werx in 2017 greatly enhanced our product offering to an already solid industry identity. Our longevity has been fueled by our ability to meet customer demands and deliver a premium product. ...... For further information contact: Michael Caunter National Brand and Marketing Manager michaelcaunter@gincor.com www.gincor.com EXPERIENCE BREEDS QUALITY We h ve been Canada’s preferred manufac urer of ium truck bodies and trailers for more than 40 years. cor Truck bodies and trailers are built with experience and customer satisfaction in mind. Our longevity has been fueled by our ability to meet ustomer demands and deliver a premium product.