Garfield Heights, Ohio

architecture, engineering, and planning services. “They are our city engineers. They work the best they can to secure funding for our roads. Another great business partnership over the years is OverDrive. They came to our city when we needed somebody.” He also names Industrial Commercial Properties LLC as the community’s “very best ally” because as a company they share the vision of what the city ideally could develop into and are helping to achieve. DiGeronimo Companies, a “one-stop shop for real estate development” is also turning that vision into a reality. Burke has one specific goal in mind to usher Garfield Heights into the future, specifically when it pertains to better serving the community. “On my wish list for the upcoming years, is a brand-new Justice Center. There’s been a lot of talk about supporting the police and supporting safety. Our Justice Center, Garfield Heights Municipal Court, was built before the 1950s and is in poor condition. We don’t have the financial wherewithal to do it right now, but it’s on my radar for the future. I think having a new Justice Center will support the police as well as care for our residents.” GARF I ELD HE IGHTS , OHIO