Clean Energy & Energy Efficiency are Good for Business & Communities
economy, and for public safety. All critical infrastructure depends on the energy system, which is itself a vast network of public and private buildings, pipelines, transmission lines and generation facilities. Federal policy to support the continued growth of America’s clean energy sectors will secure our prosperity and safety for decades to come. The United States has also committed to significant emissions reductions as a signatory of the Paris Agreement. The sixth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change basic science report, released on August 9 this year, drives home the importance of stopping climate change at 1.5 Celsius in order to prevent to worst impacts of climate change. Thanks to decades of research and innovation in clean energy and efficiency, there are a broad set of affordable, readily available solutions to get us the emissions reductions we need in the next decade and beyond. BUS INESS COUNC I L FOR SUSTA INABLE ENERGY (BCSE)
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