Rosenberg, Texas

to Heath, “the key to everything. Our job is to make sure we’re providing the infrastructure to sustain our growth without placing additional burden on the taxpayer,” he explains. “In the past decade, we’ve dropped our ad valorum tax rate by about 10 cents per $100 dollars of appraised valuation, while maintaining and improving our roads, water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer systems. Water is the most crucial city service everywhere; we went through a statewide drought in 2011, and that put water at the forefront for communities across the state. Rosenberg was proactive, adopting a comprehensive master plan to address our future water needs. We contracted with the Brazosport Water Authority (BWA) to provide more than five million gallons of treated surface water per day, which will allow us to service our growth and maintain compliance with increasing county and state groundwater-versus-surface water requirements. A 37-mile transmission line was constructed by BWA to transport the water