Westminster, California

available. Westminster residents are well-served by ample parks facilities and recreation opportunities, which are located throughout the community and contribute to the city’s high quality of life. The city has a thriving economy with a range of high- quality dining, hospitality, shopping, entertainment, and employment choices. Businesses in Westminster are prosperous, fill a niche in the regional economy, and contribute the revenue necessary to support its community services. Westminster is also a city on the move. Assistant City Manager and Community Development Director, Chet Simmons, reports that the city council just finished an update to its general plan for the first time in 20 years. “It’s really kind of a new blueprint for where we’re trying to go as a city,” he explains. “It allows for a whole host of new development opportunities that changes the overall direction that we’re headed in, in terms of the type of development that we’re looking for, the partners that we’re looking for, and what we’re trying to accomplish. It’s allowed us to look at WESTMINSTER , CAL I FORNI A Bolsa Row Mixed Use Project Rendering Westminster Mall Mixed Use Redevelopment Site