Grimsby, Ontario

AT A GLANCE GRIMSBY, ONTARIO WHAT: A town of 30,000 WHERE: The Niagara Region of Ontario, Canada WEBSITE: G rimsby is a town on Lake Ontario in the Niagara Region of Ontario, Canada. It is named after the English fishing town of rimsby in northeast Lincolnshire, England. Grimsby was founded in 1790 after a group of United Empire Loyalists settled at the mouth of 40 Mile Creek in 1787. The Village of Grimsby was officially incorporated in 1876 and became a town in 1922. The majority of Grimsby’s residents reside in the area bounded by Lake Ontario to the north and the Niagara Escarpment to the south, known colloquially as “the mountain.” The Niagara Escarpment is a long ridge with a gentle slope on one side and a steep slope (scarp) on the other. It runs predominantly east/west from New York, through Ontario, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois. The Escarpment is most famous as the cliff over which the Niagara River plunges at Niagara Falls. The Escarpment is a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve, and has the oldest forest ecosystem and trees in eastern North America.