Buffalo Stadium
1-800-433-0912 | INFO@SOUTHERNBLEACHER.COM WWW.SOUTHERNBLEACHER.COM Stadiums. Grandstands. Bleachers. BUFFALO STADIUM that beneath the field’s artificial turf is a new system designed to minimize the impact of head trauma, and to, hopefully, reduce the number of concussions. “It’s called a Cushdrain system that all the NFL fields have now; it’s about an inch-thick rubber pad that’s underneath the turf that helps absorb some of the G-force impact when a helmet hits the ground.” The turf, itself, helps save the university money, while it’s not saving the health of its users. “All of our fields – baseball, softball, soccer, football, intra-murals – everything is turf,” he adds. “And so, that saves us over $1 million a year in watering, which is big for us. All of these fields drain into the Tierra Blanca Creek, which feeds into one of the local lakes, so from that standpoint, we believe that turf is environmentally friendly, because water is very scarce up here. We get about 19 inches a year, on average, so it’s hard to keep grass fields going.” When the Buffaloes are not using the field, others are. “There’s not another stadium like this in the upper 26 counties of the Texas panhandle,”
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