Buffalo Stadium

being considered. “We have some things that we held off on; that we’re going to see what the market will bear,” he notes. “We have some thoughts about adding a second area for suites because they sold out very quickly, or adding another club level, or an alumni or lettermen’s association. We’ve held some space for future expansion – we just don’t know exactly yet what we want to use that space for. We’ll be talking in the off-season, and it will take a couple of years to do some surveys and figure out some options, but we will be adding and improving as time goes on. If we don’t, we’re going to end up in the same situation we were with the old stadium that wasn’t improved in 60 years.” Meanwhile, the Buffaloes are off to a great start in their inaugural season in Buffalo Stadium. “We’re five and one, now,” McBroom declares. “If you told me we’d be five and one after six games, I would have said ‘Sold – we’ll take that.’ It’s a tremendous environment for students to play in. And since we’ve moved on campus, through three McBroom states, “so we’ll be the number-one destination for high school football playoff games. And football conducts summer camps inside the stadium for the community; we have kids coming in from all over the region. In the football off- season, the locker rooms are going to be used for baseball, softball, and track. In the City of Canyon, we may host the annual Fourth of July fireworks and concert – we’d love to do that. We are going to bring in concerts to the stadium through the spring and summer months; we anticipate two to four of those types of shows a year. We have a club and some suites; those get rented out, year round. We already have birthday parties and wedding rehearsals and corporate parties, and things like that, booked in certain parts of the stadium. We’re open to a lot of different and varied ideas, and we’ll entertain any concept; one of the things going around is: can we get a portable ice rink and turn it into a skating rink in the wintertime?” Even though the stadium is brand new, McBroom reports that upgrades and additions are always BUFFALO STADIUM PROUD PARTNER OF WEST TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Thank you WT for bringing VSG onboard to help get your stadium operations ready. Mission accomplished - Go Bu s Go! - Russ Simons, Managing Partner Venue Solutions Group Congratulations on the successful opening of Buffalo Stadium .