Business View Magazine
3.2 trillion MB of data utilized in 2013. The CTIA data
compared this growth to the equivalent of consumers
streaming 59,219 videos every minute or roughly 18
million MB!
Additionally, according to a report from the Progres-
sive Policy Institute (PPI), next generation wireless net-
works have the potential to add roughly $2.7 trillion to
the U.S. gross domestic product by 2030. This figure
equates to an average annual growth boost of 0.7 per-
cent or an overall increase of 11 percent in economic
NATE member companies are on the front lines in
terms of deploying these next generation communica-
tions networks.
As everyone in the wireless and broadcast industries
are acutely aware, the Federal Communications Com-
mission (FCC) is currently conducting a 600 MHZ In-
centive Auction in order to free up valuable low band
radio waves spectrum currently held by broadcasters.
This 600 MHZ spectrum is often referred to as “beach
front property” because airwaves operating in this
band can travel longer distances and provide better
in-building coverage.
Upon the conclusion of this innovative auction, NATE’s
contractor companies and equipment supplier mem-
bers will be called on to “repurpose” the spectrum by
deploying the new antennas and wireless equipment
on communications structures located across the
United States. This important infrastructure work will
help pave the way to enable emerging technologies
and networks that are capable of meeting the coun-
try’s connectivity and data needs moving forward.
NATE members will also be playing a critical role in
the build-out of FirstNet, the country’s first nationwide
broadband network devoted exclusively to public safe-
The National Association of Tower Erectors
A national trade association
Watertown, South Dakota