Business View Magazine
Compensation Report provides important information
about how logistics firms are organized, salary and
compensation and information via position and geo-
graphic regions.
“The TIA Compensation Survey is an essential tool for
any 3PL owner that wants to retain employees and
agents in the highly competitive 3PL employment envi-
ronment,” Voltmann said.
The association also provides leadership and direction
for the 3PL industry and professionals to advance pro-
fessional standards, business practices and the over-
all image and credibility of the profession and its con-
tribution to society. As part of the advocacy role, TIA
works to protect from harmful regulation and provide a
voice for the industry to Congress, the Obama Admin-
istration, states, courts, shippers, carriers and various
international organizations.
“We do a very good job of advocating for our members
before congress and the administrative agencies,”
Voltmann said.
TIA lobbied for a provision as part of the Fighting Fraud
in Transportation Act of 2011, which was enacted and
passed into law in July 2012. This bill addresses fraud
in the marketplace, and raises the financial entry re-
quirements for coming into the transportation indus-
“It won’t block entry,” Voltmann said. “It will just make
it clear to those coming into the industry that this isn’t
like running a sandwich shop. We think it’s going to
have a very positive effect on our members and our
One of the main challenges for the transportation
industry is a growing shortfall of trucks on the road.
While TIA members have a sufficient number at the
moment, that number is tight because of the economy,
Voltmann said.
“They seemingly were crawling out of the recession,
yet my members are reporting that truck capacity is
very tight in certain markets at certain times,” he said.
“We’re exporting more so there’s more manufactur-
ing,” Also, capacity has been idled by trucking compa-
nies that went out of business during the recession,
and by drivers who have chosen not to re-enter the
The association’s five-year plan includes doubling
membership and strengthening the voice that will con-
tinue in an effort to shape the industry going forward.
“We will continue to work and be more proactive in pro-
moting our members and their interests to the indus-
try,” Voltmann said.