Verona Area School District

In their academic services and support efforts, the district relies on the expertise of the Unbound ED Standards Institute. “That work has been a priority for ensuring that there are grade-level standards and instruction in front of every single student, no matter what circumstances within our organization,” acknowledges Dr. Clardy. Partnerships with higher learning facilities, including the University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison College, and the University of Green Bay, are also key to the success of VASD. These institutions offer diverse opportunities for high school students, including dual enrollment and credits toward associate degrees. Wiese concludes, “We’re adding 50 to 75 students a year. We believe that people are moving to these communities because they believe in the community resources that exist at the city and municipal level, and they believe that this is a place where they want to raise their family. Our school district is only as strong as our community and our community is only as strong as our school district.” 9 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 05 VERONA AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT