Tri-Creek School Corporation

encompass various fields, including trades,healthcare, education, and technology. Tri-Creek’s investment in vocational education is exemplified by the state-of- the-art Red Devil Trades building, where students gain hands-on experience in precision machining, welding, construction trades, and automotive technology. Initiatives like the construction trades program underscore the district’s emphasis on real-world experiences. The school district partners with local businessmen who provide a house lot and a concrete foundation, and Lowell High School students take the baton from there to build a home in a nearby subdivision. The process begins in August with the home sold on the active real estate market the following June. This is an example of real-world experiences, highlighting Tri-Creek’s commitment to bridging the gap between classroom learning and practical application. Moreover, Tri-Creek’s pathways extend beyond traditional trades to encompass high-demand fields such as healthcare.“We offer a health science pathway that includes biomedical studies and pre- nursing,” Deal explains. Through strategic alignment with industry needs and student interests, Tri-Creek ensures that its pathways prepare students for success and address future workforce demands. Tri-Creek School Corporation’s comprehensive approach to education, from early childhood 5 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 05 TRI -CREEK SCHOOL CORPORAT ION