Tri-Creek School Corporation

with a Focus on Solutions .These principles influence the educational curriculum and the institution’s broader culture. STEAM PROGRAMMING FOR FUTURE LEADERS Kevin Deal, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, highlights the district’s well-rounded programming that includes robust STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) programs, which extend from the elementary level upwards. He explains,“The state of Indiana adopted computer science standards several years ago, and we were fortunate to bring STEM programming to our elementary level,” adding to an already- established art and music curriculum. Through strategic partnerships and professional development initiatives, Tri-Creek ensures that every student, starting in kindergarten, receives exposure to STEAM concepts and skills, including music, physical education, art, library, and more. A key component of Tri-Creek’s approach is the incorporation of STEAM rotations into the elementary curriculum. Deal elaborated, “With the standards and student needs, we wanted to ensure that all students at all grade levels had the inclusion of a STEAM rotation.” This intentional integration allows students to develop foundational skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, digital citizenship, and more, setting them on a trajectory for multiple future opportunities. Looking to continue this programming into the middle school grades, the district eliminated the need for students to choose between STEM programming and fine arts, creating a surge in enrollment in band, choir, and visual arts programs resulting in a true STEAM environment. Additionally, joint experiences with professional groups, such as the Ball State University Singers and the South Shore Brass Band, showcase the district’s commitment to providing enriching experiences in the performing arts. TRADES, HEALTHCARE, EDUCATION, AND TECHNOLOGY “At Lowell High School, we offer twelve different pathways,” Deal shares proudly. These pathways 3 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 05 TRI -CREEK SCHOOL CORPORAT ION