Port of Conneaut

initiatives, buoyed by a National Fish and Wildlife Foundation grant, aims to enhance coastal resilience and sustainability. Trisket elaborates on the grant’s purpose,“We were awarded...for planning to ensure the area’s development does not compromise its most valuable asset, Lake Erie.” In the immediate future, Trisket highlights the importance of securing funding for the Marina project, a cornerstone of the Port Authority’s vision. “We have the permits in place,” she notes, detailing the pursuit of grant applications and state capital budget funding as crucial next steps. This financial strategy underpins the ambition to reinvest generated revenue into the community to ensure continuous improvement and growth. Addressing parking concerns, Kline outlines short-term plans to enhance accessibility and convenience for visitors. With a practical focus on paving existing lots and exploring opportunities for additional parking, the Port Authority is preparing to accommodate increased traffic resulting from development efforts.Moreover, Kline reveals plans to engage federal and state representatives in securing funding to propel engineering and construction projects forward, with a keen eye on completing the Marina and initiating living shore projects within the next two years. On attracting Viking Cruises to Conneaut, Kline admits, “That is on my wish list,” acknowledging the need for further development to make the port an attractive stopover for such prestigious cruises. This aspiration aligns with the broader vision to enhance Conneaut’s appeal as a destination for visitors and potential residents, contributing to the area’s economic and recreational allure. Trisket and Kline both emphasize the overarching goal of building a community-focused future for Conneaut. Trisket’s reflection,“I want them to stay in the area...to be very proud of,” captures the collective ambition to create a vibrant, sustainable community that retains and attracts families. Kline adds, “We’re focused on our little niche of that big picture,” highlighting the Port Authority’s role in cultivating a conducive environment for broader economic and social development. PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n American Construction and Dismantling LLC jannichenni@aol.com n Kurtz Bros., Inc. www.kurtz-bros.com As the Conneaut Port Authority moves forward, its strategic priorities—infrastructure development, environmental preservation, and comprehensive planning for recreational and economic growth— set the stage for a future where Conneaut flourishes as a beachhead of community pride, environmental stewardship, and a vibrant local economy. 10 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 05