Port Colborne ON

We brought in electrical and telecommunications providers to integrate broadband and other services through the tunnel, boosting our capabilities in the city’s largest growing area,” he explains. In addition to its technological strides,Port Colborne is addressing a critical issue facing many communities: housing diversity and affordability. Scott Luey, the Chief Administrative Officer, discusses the city’s strategic approach to housing. “We’ve recognized a lack of diversity in our housing stock. The council’s newly implemented strategic plan addresses this by promoting various housing options for different life stages,” he states. This plan includes incentives for developers to build homes that cater to a broader demographic, from young families to empty nesters looking to downsize. Mayor Steele adds context to the housing initiatives, focusing on community support and inclusivity. “We’ve partnered with Port Cares on a project that offers 42 units of geared-to-income housing, which is crucial for seniors and single-parent families,” he shares.This project provides affordable living options and integrates essential services and community support, enhancing residents’ quality of life. MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENTS AND HOUSING DIVERSITY Integratingmixed-use developments becomes crucial as urban centers evolve in revitalizing downtown areas and supporting diverse housing needs. Mayor Steele discusses the city’s approach to housing and commercial development, emphasizing the importance of diversity in meeting the community’s needs. “We’re encouraging developers to think beyond traditional single-family homes and consider mixed- use spaces that offer both residential and commercial opportunities,” he explains. This approach diversifies the housing stock and revitalizes urban areas,making them more vibrant and economically sustainable. Regarding specific initiatives, Mayor Steele notes, 6 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 05