Employee Ownership Expansion Network

This has allowed the emergence of partnerships between EOX and various small business development centers across the country, as well as smaller government entities like local Chambers of Commerce. In fact, the model’s surging popularity has now become the basis for a joint initiative between EOX and the NCEO called the NCEOX Initiative, which aims at further compounding the results of its already effective strategy. A FULFILLING COMPANY CULTURE ON THE HORIZON You can’t acknowledge EOX’s stellar performance without first acknowledging the company culture lying at the heart of it all. The spirit of the organization is closely tied to its mission of closing the wealth gap and giving employees a voice in the workplace and an equitable opportunity to build wealth. That spirit manifests itself strongly within EOX’s internal culture and borrows strongly from the values that can be found within employee-owned companies. Storkan confirms this, saying, “We try to be an employee-owned company without being an employee-owned company. Everybody in our organization has a voice at work, everybody can give ideas.” By fostering a company culture that values the perspectives of every one of its employees, EOX has managed to masterfully replicate the natural passion and enthusiasm observed in employees who work under an employee ownership model. Every one of its employees can get up with a smile on their faces, knowing that they are making an impact that will extend further than the conversations and conferences. In fact, a conversation with a business owner today could drastically alter the lives of 75 - 100 employees, and their families, several years from now. The impact EOX stands to make by educating business owners about the benefits of employee ownership truly is that far-reaching, and EOX honors that. Every interaction sets forth a ripple effect that could potentially improve the lives of families that have yet to even be formed! 7 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 05 EMPLOYEE OWNERSHIP EXPANSION NETWORK