Employee Ownership Expansion Network

employee-owners by 2025. So, EOX’s journey is far from over, despite having already made very significant strides. Looking ahead, its focus will extend beyond expansion to the consolidation and sustainability of its operations. By strengthening existing networks, supporting shared services, and nurturing a culture of empowerment, EOX aims to usher in a future where employee ownership is not just a concept but a cornerstone of economic equity. In EOX’s narrative, every milestone is a testament to the power of collective action and unwavering dedication. As the organization continues to champion the cause of employee ownership, its journey serves as an inspiration—a reminder that from humble beginnings, monumental change can emerge. When telling the story of progress, EOX’s narrative is one of empowerment, education, collaboration, and deep commitment. With leaders like Steve Storkan and other executives leading the charge, there is no doubt that the Employee Ownership Expansion Network will continue to weave a brighter future for generations to come. 10 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 05