Dekra-Lite Industries

helped build it from the ground up. So, for the past 10 years, Dekra-Lite has leveraged the ESOP model to its advantage and has spared no expense when it comes to growing the company culture of shared ownership. “Ownership is where the bulk of our efforts go… the value of the ESOP is in the employees and the employees having an ownership stake gives them a good sense of that ownership and the community we’ve built around us,” says President Mike Sterling. Thanks to the employee-owner model, Dekra-Lite stands out among its competition as a company that provides a level of dedication to customer satisfaction that goes beyond what’s considered standard in the industry. When you’re talking to a Dekra-Lite employee, you’re often talking to an owner with a vested interest in ensuring that your needs as the customer are met. The company makes sure to meet the employee- owners’ needs, so naturally, that sentiment is carried forward into customer service. “I think the ESOP Structure has made us an employer of choice,” says ESOP Advisor Adriana Penunuri, referring to the incredible appeal that the ESOP model establishes with potential employees. “That’s one of the main reasons people look to stay longer with Dekra-Lite because they see the long- term benefit and annual statements when their ESOP value increases each year,” Penunuri explains. A CULTURE OF CELEBRATION, COLLABORATION, AND COMPETENCE The ESOP structure at Dekra-Lite isn’t just about ownership—it’s about culture.While the rising ESOP share prices appeal to prospective employee owners, the real hidden factor behind the company’s appeal is its ability to foster community and a sense of belonging. “We’re a holiday company to begin with. So, we get to celebrate all year long, working in an environment that’s highly decorated and has a lot of core festive presence to begin with,” Sterling says, citing the company’s consistently positive atmosphere as another big point of attraction to employee-owners. Dekra-Lite attracts and retains top talent through upholding its commitment to community and employee empowerment, and that isn’t just a feel- good policy; it’s a strategic advantage that fuels growth and innovation. Whether it’s a successful sale or a milestone reached, according to Sterling, every achievement is celebrated, fostering a culture of camaraderie and shared success. Employees here aren’t just workers; they’re owners, collaborators, and torchbearers of the company’s festive spirit. Dekra-Lite also does a fantastic job of empowering its 4 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 05