Ashland Community and Technical College

Second Chance Pell project (SCP). Ferguson states, “Currently, we are working on providing services to our prisons through the Second Chance Pell component, which helps incarcerated individuals transition into high-wage, high-demand jobs upon release.” Pending approval from accrediting bodies and the U.S. Department of Education (DOE), the college will offer classes toward an associate arts degree at the prison starting this fall. This is a poignant example of how education is a powerful tool for societal change and has the potential to affect hundreds of lives and families. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT AND PLANNING ACTC carefully guides efforts to maintain quality education and to adapt and evolve in response to student and community needs. The institution harnesses Covey’s Four Disciplines of Execution principles, a method that ensures activities align with overarching objectives. Covey’s framework helps officials focus on “Wildly Important Goals” (WIGs), which direct collective efforts toward specific ambitious outcomes. WIGs are not just aspirational but integrated into the daily structure. Brand says,“We set goals, known