By starting at Lakeshore Technical College, your student can complete general education courses close to home for thousands less than starting at a four-year university — and be well prepared to continue their college journey. After completing their Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree at Lakeshore, they can choose where to continue their bachelor’s degree, with guaranteed junior standing at: LAKESHORE TECHNICAL COLLEGE DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST PROTECTED CLASSES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, RELIGION, SEX, OR GENDER – INCLUDING SEXUAL ORIENTATION, GENDER IDENTITY, GENDER EXPRESSION, DISABILITY OR AGE IN EMPLOYMENT, ADMISSIONS, OR ITS PROGRAMS OR ACTIVITIES. TO HANDLE INQUIRIES REGARDING LAKESHORE’S NONDISCRIMINATION POLICIES, CONTACT MGR-ACCESS, EQUITY, & INCLUSION (STUDENTS) 920.693.1120, NICOLE.YANG@GOTOLTC.EDU / EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES (STAFF/OTHERS) 920.693.1139, MARISSA.HOLST@GOTOLTC.EDU. 1290 NORTH AVENUE, CLEVELAND, WI 53015. TTY 711 GOTOLTC.EDU/EQUAL-OPPORTUNITY-STATEMENT 4/23 LAKESHORE TECHNICAL COLLEGE 1.888.GO TO LTC • TTY 711 1290 North Avenue • Cleveland WI 53015 HLC Accredited • Visit us and learn more today at Thinking about the high price of college? Think about starting at Lakeshore Technical College.
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