DVL Group

3 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 5 Today, the need to store and protect data through cloud computing and enterprise technology is as critical as ever with customers constantly looking for ways to save money. DVL’s professionals are finding more cost-efficient ways to provide power while buying affordable land for new data center construction. Finding affordable land has become more difficult in the northeast and eastern states, so DVL has grown to include offices in Denver, Salt Lake City, and Albuquerque where land is more readily available. That move to the western part of the U.S. has helped to fuel growth, reduce costs, and find new clients, says DVL President and CEO Gary Hill. “Our target is any critical environment that requires critical power and cooling,” Hill says. “We were becoming opportunity-limited in the east, so our move to new (regions) is at the heart of our current strategic growth plan.” That expansion has helped DVL build a DVL GROUP