Augusta KS

8 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 5 AUGUSTA , KANSAS a new transmission line, and a new theater for the industrial park. The development is being constructed so that major employers get access to consistent electricity. “Anything we can do to make our electrical system more reliable and carry a higher capacity feed is a massive win for the community,” says Shaw. Augusta is also undertaking a new residential subdivision, the first in 20 years. The project got started via a creative financing strategy that utilizes a moderate-income housing grant in conjunction with an inducement tool called the Rural Housing Incentive. The city is partnering with a development team to offer houses at more affordable prices. “The developer is taking on the responsibility and the cost of building all the infrastructure, and they’re utilizing those grants to pass on the savings to the homeowners,” says Shaw. Augusta is blessed to have numerous large employers. The primary employer in the city is DJ Engineering which employs around 350 staff members. The school district and the government are also large employers, with VSE Aviation coming in as the fourth largest employer in the city. DJ Engineering fits into a niche part of the aerospace industry, with the company active in space and rocket development, assisting with the Artemis Moon Mission. The company is one of the top 500 government suppliers for the Department of Defense. The company offers full-service facilities in engineering development. Sigma-Tek is another aviation in the city company that focuses on developing aircraft instruments. Also located in Augusta is Patterson Racing, which produces custom engines.