Applied Behaviour Consultants Inc

4 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 5 Using this practice as a guide for analyzing behavior change and teaching language, play, self-care and social competence with family, peers and in the community to build relationships, the agency’s broader mission is to act with compassion, work from a team approach, and provide whatever is in the self- interest of each individual and family served. “I call it the three ‘Cs’ of empathy in action,” Ms. Terzich-Garland explains. “We talk about compassion, where we want to see that person’s humanity. We talk about communicating that person’s perspective, in order to make that connection with the individual. That holds true not only for the parents we work with but for the staff we train to be able to provide this intervention. We also try to provide appropriate choices, to allow people to set boundaries around what they feel they can and can’t do. Everybody wants a say about their environment—it can’t just be ‘You do as I say’ and that’s the end of the story.” As an ABA service, ABC uses an evidence- based discipline model rooted in behavior Brenda Terzich-Garland, M.A., B.C.B.A. Co-Founder, President, and CEO