Midland, Michigan

8 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 3, ISSUE 5 MIDLAND , MI CHIGAN more of an asset to the community. Kaye notes, “We are looking at improving the riverfront so it’s an attraction and not just something that people are worried about every time that it rains. I think we have a lot of potential there.” Looking to the future, Midland will continue to be a city of modern explorers, paving the way for generations ahead. “We think about what the City of Modern Explorers means for 2022 and how we can continue to grow and build on that,” Stamas says. “I think we have the pieces in place. We have businesses that are investing, they are excited to be here. We have to continue to partner with them on talent, housing, childcare, broadband, and all these critical issues. But the community we have and the support we have, really puts us in a great position. It’s a journey, but I feel like we’re going to keep building on that and keep growing Midland in a way that’s going to live up to that legacy.”