Midland, Michigan

5 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 3, ISSUE 5 excited about Midland and about our legacy and what’s happening as we go into the future.” To help keep its workforce going, the city collaborates with local colleges and universities to ensure that they are providing the right training for what is currently needed in the community. “We have partnerships at the surrounding post-secondary educational level,” says Kaye. “When our employers identify a need or skillset, the schools have been able to pivot very quickly and develop programs to bring people online. So if there is a skill deficiency in the area and in the region, those colleges and universities can actually put people into the market that are necessary.” Midland also works hard to be a “community of choice” to attract residents, businesses, and those looking for a new place to set down roots. “I mentioned that we have the highest per capita PhDs, so we are looking at people who could YEARS CREATING COMMUNITY FOR OVER 2020 Monroe Avenue NW Grand Rapids, MI 49505 616.363.980 mbce.com We are proud to support the City of Midland. M+B is a full-service civil engineering company. City of Midland_MB_Final.indd 1 4/9/22 9:29 AM