Port Hawkesbury Paper
PORT HAWKESBURY PAPER underwent a radical transformation that has turned it into the vibrant business it is today.” Port Hawkesbury Paper has its headquarters in an integrated facility located within a 240- acre lot off the shores of the Strait of Canso. “The facility houses our woodlands operation that performs long-term forest management planning for the Crown lands licensed to the company by the provincial government as well as managing private land purchases of wood fiber,” says Lock. “They also oversee the civic aspects of forest management to ensure the company manages forest resources sustainably and maintains all necessary forest certifications. Besides the woodlands operations, the facility handles all other operations that cover the entire manufacturing process from the scale house through to getting the finished product to the end customer.” Running the facility is a workforce of around 325 internal employees augmented by an additional 400 contractors providing auxiliary services such as harvesting, silviculture, and trucking. As a company deeply integrated with local communities, many of its employees dedicate their careers to the mill. “We have a unionized workforce, and we continually work with the union and all staff on a variety of training initiatives such as equipment use, health and safety, and responsible forest practices,” says Lock. “One thing we’re very proud of is the continued improvement on our recordable injury rate and low absentee rate.” Complementing its workforce is a network of partners like forest contractors, trucking and logistics companies, and local sawmills, some of whom have worked with Port Hawkesbury Paper for decades. Lock admits the list of valuable contracting companies and individuals they work with is too long to mention individually, but he underscores the value of the relationships
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