Port Hawkesbury Paper

PREFERRED VENDORS/PARTNERS n Start to Finish Logistics Inc. www.stflogistics.com n Nationwide Logistics www.nationwidelogisticsinc.com | info@nationwidelogisticsinc.com Since 2007, Nationwide Logistics has been providing transportation and distribution services locally and globally to a wide range of satisfied customers. Our expertise and passion for delivering an exceptional customer experience has enabled us to become a leading authority when it comes to meeting the transportation needs of today’s fast paced business. n Evonik Corporation active-oxygens.evonik.com Evonik is the innovative leader in high quality hydrogen peroxide and services, offering more than a century of worldwide experience and a range of world-class products that deliver exceptional value for customers. n ANDRITZ LTD andritz.com n Kemira www.kemira.com n Ultramar https://commercial.ultramar.ca/en