Cimcon Lighting

NearSky 360. This solves the power problem for smart sensors. Additionally, all the data collected by these sensors can be pulled into the platform, processed if needed, and sent out over the lighting network that’s already in place or across an alternate network that is supported on the NearSky such as over an LTE connection and soon to be 5G. The smart city data can then be directed to our StreetVibe visualization application or to a city or utility’s Smart City or Smart Grid platform. Our value is that we make it very simple, fast and far less expensive to deploy multiple sensors throughout the city and drive more value from the smart streetlighting network.” This value has been embraced by customers all over the world, with CIMCON currently present across more than 30 countries, with over 200 installations in major cities and close to 1.5 million streetlight controllers under contract. The company’s international presence owes much to the culture of innovation it has fostered over several years. “Internally, our CEO uses the phrase, ‘One CIMCON’ to emphasize that we have a really collaborative environment,” says Sporel. “We remain committed to satisfying our customers’ needs through our evolving technology and our belief in continually bringing new ideas to the table.” Although COVID-19 has had an impact on how CIMCON markets itself, the company has always used virtual outreach to connect with a broad customer base – this is something that has continued throughout the pandemic. “We always start at an educational level,” Sporel explains. “Whether we’re talking to C-suite members, local mayors, city planners, CIOs, or the Department of Transportation, we customize our message appropriately. The most important thing is that we have a compelling story to tell, and I think with the products and services that CIMCON has to offer, that’s certainly the case.” cloud. Just as with our streetlight controller, our NearSky 360 device plugs right into the top of the streetlight fixture, and then our controller plugs in on top of the NearSky – truly a plug and play solution.” One of the major draws of the NearSky platform is from an interoperability standpoint. “There are a lot of logistical and cost obstacles to installing new sensors and smart solutions throughout the city,” Flaherty adds. “By plugging our NearSky platform into the top of a light pole, you can pull power from the fixture and meter that power and distribute it to the sensors that plug into the variety of interface ports on the