Redding Municipal Airport

would be five years before we would be ready to construct it. So, I’m very comfortable with doing a surface treatment on both runways.” “We’re going to replace all of the roadways in front of the terminal building; that’s going to be a big public pleaser,” he continues. “We did a $10 million terminal renovation in 2014; we’re now working on a lot of the pavement surfaces, but as you come into the Airport, the pavement is in dire need. I would guess it was originally put down in 1979 or 1980 and hasn’t had anything major done on it since that time. It’s lived its useful life and needs to be completely reconstructed. So, we’re looking at reconstructing all of the roadways and I’m hoping that we’re successful in trying to get the discretionary money. They came up with the additional billion dollars worth of discretionary money in a spending bill and this is the first year of it. The definition of what they consider to be a successful project is one that is not going to score high on the usual airport improvement program funding because it’s a lesser priority and roadway projects tend to fall in that category. We didn’t make the cut for the first round, but I’m waiting to hear on the second round and hope that that comes about. That’s about a $7 million project. It’s 100 percent funding, so we don’t have to have a local share.” “We also had a magnetic variation change, so we’re no longer runway 16/34,” Garrett adds. “We need to change it to runway 17/35; change out all the signs, the vertical signs and the surface-painted signs, and all the publications, plus a lot of back and forth with the aviation community and the tower. So, it’s a lot of work. I’m also trying to get an instrument approach for my north, which every now and then, we fall back on using the back course off of the ILS. Two years ago, Skywest (which operates the United flights) told us they would no longer fly that. So, my air carrier on-time operations and cancellations are now kind of at risk if I don’t have this new approach, and they won’t give me the approach until the magnetic heading has been THE STANDARD FOR PROFESSIONAL FLIGHT TRAINING Since 1971, IASCO has provided individualized ab initio training. Airlines all over the world have chosen IASCO for our global reputation for safety, experience, and stability. REDDING MUNI C I PAL A I RPORT