The New Hampshire Municipal Association

The New Hampshire Municipal Association: The Service and Action Arm of New Hampshire Municipalities By Margaret Byrnes, Executive Director and Timothy Fortier, Communications and Member Coordinator Local Government in New Hampshire T he mere mention of New Hampshire typically evokes the nostalgia of the famous lithographs by popular print makers Nathaniel Currier and James Merritt Ives of iconic New England villages, rural towns, and sweeping vistas. New Hampshire is also famous as the home of the first-in-the-nation primary, which history has proven can make or break a candidate running for president. But what New Hampshire is really known for is its town meeting. Outside of New England, the concept of town meeting is generally foreign. Indeed, when describing our local government structure to non-New Englanders, we are often challenged with disbelief. Yes, here in New Hampshire, voters still rise from the floor to speak AT A GLANCE THE NEW HAMPSHIRE MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION WHAT: A non-profit association working to strengthen New Hampshire cities and towns WHERE: Concord, New Hampshire WEBSITE: