Highfill Infrastrcuture Engineering

we want to be the best water treatment plant people in the world? Do we want to have some special technical niche? As we talked through that, what we decided was what we wanted to do was to have people with a solid, technical skill set, but to provide those services in a way that was unmatched by anybody else. So, we set out to focus on providing high quality technical services in a very high level service model. We grew the company based on that model and over time, have ended up where we are now.” “When we were brainstorming, early on, about what we wanted to be known for, we settled on this idea of providing the best customer service,” Cox adds. “And we wanted to be the firm that our clients thought of whenever they had an urgent need and somebody that they could rely on. That was our vision. What we really try to emphasize with our clients is that we put ourselves in their shoes. If I am their project manager, what kind of service is going to make me happy, and reduce my level of stress? And